[Guide] How to Formulate a Good Query to ChatGPT with Examples

Guide: How to Formulate a Good Query to ChatGPT with Examples

  1. Be Clear and Specific in Your Query ↓

    Identify the topic you want to learn about and formulate your question clearly and understandably. Avoid ambiguous terms that may have multiple meanings.

    ❌ Bad queries:

    • "How to improve my website?"
    • "How to enhance the security of a web application?"

    ✅ Good queries:

    • "How can I increase website conversion using A/B testing?"
    • "What specific security measures should I apply to protect Ruby on Rails web applications from XSS attacks?"
  2. Avoid Overly General Queries That Yield Vague Results ↓

    Try to ask questions in as much detail as possible, providing all relevant context.

    ❌ Bad queries:

    • "How to write a coursework on mathematics?"
    • "How to choose a CMS for a website?"

    ✅ Good queries:

    • "What research methods to use in a coursework on probability theory?"
    • "Which criteria to consider when selecting a CMS for a scalable corporate website?"
  3. Specify the Desired Response Format ↓

    For example, a textual response, a list, a table, etc.

    ❌ Bad queries:

    • "Tell me about Python libraries and web scraping."
    • "Explain strategies for promoting SaaS products."

    ✅ Good queries:

    • "Provide a list of 5 useful Python libraries for web scraping, including a brief description and their main purpose."
    • "Describe 3 marketing strategies for SaaS products targeting small businesses, including examples of successful implementation and key performance metrics to evaluate their effectiveness."
  4. Indicate ChatGPT's Role and Context of the Query ↓

    Specify what you expect from ChatGPT (answers to questions, general information, etc.), assign a specific role, and describe the context of the query.

    ❌ Bad queries:

    • "How to describe products in an online store?"
    • "Which marketing channels should I use?"

    ✅ Good queries:

    • "As a copywriter and marketer in the home appliances online store industry, provide recommendations on how to describe products effectively."
    • "In the role of a marketing specialist in the e-learning field, suggest 3 most effective marketing channels for acquiring new users, including advantages, disadvantages, and implementation insights."
  5. Set Limitations ↓

    Specify all relevant limitations related to the query, such as industry, specific knowledge areas, or timeframes.

    ❌ Bad queries:

    • "How to create a beautiful and functional website?"
    • "Which libraries to use for building mobile applications?"

    ✅ Good queries:

    • "Imagine you are a web developer creating an online electronics store. Give me recommendations on design options, website loading speed optimization, and implementing user-friendly navigation and payment methods."
    • "As a Flutter mobile app developer, tell me about 5 useful libraries that can accelerate development and optimize code when creating an online clothing store app."
  6. Clarify Your Query with Additional Questions ↓

    Ask the bot to inquire further to better understand your needs.

    ❌ Poor query:

    "How to write code for a web application?"

    ✅ Good query:

    "As a web developer, provide me with specific and specialized advice on writing JavaScript code for a web application. Which tools and libraries should I use, and how can I optimize my application's performance? If needed, please ask me additional questions to better understand my preferences."

By the way, all these recommendations and examples were compiled by ChatGPT. Did it turn out alright? 😉